Monday, December 22, 2008

Fun, Holidays and Accidents

I'm writing this post while listening to a radio news report of yet another fatal road accident on our increasingly perilous Kenyan roads.

Over a period of time I've noticed a few things:

On Friday, it appears to me that more drivers throw the rulebook (if there's one in Kenya) out of the window, with more carefree, me-first driving exhibited. As a result more accidents seem to occur on Friday more than any other day of the week.

Now, the Friday after pay days seem to have even more reckless driving exhibited, and probably even more accidents than other Fridays.

It's the holiday season - look at the traffic as a result of general impatience, me-first etc, and more and more serious accidents reported.

So a layman's conclusion can be drawn:

The more likelihood and anticipation of enjoyment that one has when driving, the more likely one is to drive carelessly in one's bid to get to the 'fun' spot...

Is true for you?

Have a safe Christmas.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Barcamp Ghana

BarcampGhana 2008 will be held in Accra, Ghana on December 22nd 2008. This event will bring people interested in Ghana, on a variety of levels and topics, together in one place for a day of exploration, connection and enjoyment. 


Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Not sure that last weekends generation jipange event at Uhuru Gardens...

To me it was just another gig (albeit free) which drew a sizeable crowd (looked like 20k) but when it comes to impart values that would maybe go someway in making a difference in the lives of youth who forma a majority in this country, I feel that a more grass roots, smaller group approach might be more effective.

In terms of HIV aids awareness as one of the pillars - I assume the event was not focusing on that... 

Meanwhile some of the youth returning from that event decided to try to jipanga by attempting to rob a lady in her vehicle smack in the middle of the Langata road jam. They went as as far as rocking the small vehicle in full view of other motorists and without a care as to whether they'd get caught. Fortunately, the motorists in front of her realised her predicament and managed to scatter the crowd infront of them, allowing the lady to drive to safety.

Some of the pillars for me look shallow but that's another day's story.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Sex in the Temple II - 13th Dec 2008