Thursday, March 22, 2007

EyeCandy on Linux! Beryl 0.2 - Ubuntu Instructions

If you thought that Vista rocks and Mac looks good.. take a look at Beryl.

Release 0.2 was released last week and I finally got it to work on Ubuntu Edgy Efty (6.10) installed on a Laptop with an Intel 9xx Graphics card and Laptop.

The instructions in summary:

Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following lines :

deb edgy main
deb-src edgy main

Update the list :
sudo apt-get update

And install the following packages :
sudo aptitude install beryl

This should install "recommended" packages as well as required and emerald-themes is one of the recommended packages

Navigate to Applications->System Tools->Beryl Manager

Have fun :)

More detailed installation instructions (e.g. automating startup) are here

I also borrowed some tips from

Note:I have also the 915resolution package setup on my laptop so as to ensure I get the full 1400x1050 resolution on my laptop.


egm said...

Everyone's been talkin Beryl lately, so I guess that's next on my list to try out. I run Archlinux, so it should be interesting to see whether setting it up on there will be painless.

Anonymous said...

I got it installed on my debian almost immediately after I saw your comment about it on one of aegus's posts.

IMO, the scale plugin is the best! No more struggling with reading text or scrolling through icons to find a window; just look for the window's live preview yah!

Anonymous said...

I have been doodling about in Archlinux and finally have it running KDE - Getting accustomed to it while reading up on it. Then will switch soon.

EGM I have already downloaded the Beryl repos and that was painless since they are relatively small but i wanted to use a tried and tested man before I leap off the deep end! :-)

Anonymous said...

I want to and will probably try it but after getting burned by vista i am getiing scared of a 0.2 version

J said...

I'm not getting near Vista myself :). I don't know if I have the right hardware. Plus I don't want to buy it :). I've moved my personal stuff and projects (ok almost everything except financial software which I need to do soon) to Ubuntu. I only use Windows in the office :(

Beryl 0.2 looks much more stable than 0.1.4, hasn't crashed on me (yet).

I just wonder how ver 1.0 will look like ;)

J said...

has some links on eyecandy (mainly beryl)