Monday, January 19, 2009


Patrick Lumumba, a person I've come to admire, is a man on a mission. I watched him on various talk shows over last week, and on the news pleading to the point of tears for the country to turn its back on corruption and tribalism. The Triton and Maize scandals have really exposed the political class for what they really are, and as he said, Kenyans are getting angrier by the day. Something will give at some point.

I don't watch news much nowadays - last week was an exception :).


Wyndago said...

I know for a fact that you don't know what is going on in the country when you live in the shags, I mean really shags. Lack of info, or they just don't care. They have more pressing issues to worry about.

But you don't know what's going on in the country when you live in the city (or urban areas) as well.

When people starve in the villages and we are shown the images on TV we get shocked and wonder if that is still in kenya.

My point being, we forget the other guys in the villages, who are the majority. While we get angry at politicians, they worry about where the next meal will come from. Those people just don't care about triton or the maize scandal, if they know about them at all.

the child said...

Hey Josiah, Could you drop me an email, I want to pass on a beta invitation for a service we are trying out. Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

My blogging hiatus is now over, I have eventually VUKAD to WordPress with two new blogs: ‘Peter’s Walkabout’ and ‘Green Kenya’.
Check these out at

Anonymous said...

My blogging hiatus is now over, I have eventually VUKAD to WordPress with two new blogs: ‘Peter’s Walkabout’ and ‘Green Kenya’.
Check these out at

Unknown said...


I’m a freelance journalist from Montreal, Canada. I’m planning to go to Kenya in May with one colleague. We work for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and for a largely distributed magazine called L'Actualité.

We will do stories about new technologies in Kenya. We are especially interested in Skunkworks.

We know you are in that field. We would like to talk about your projects. Would it be possible to book an interview between the 10th and the 20th of May 2009?

Thank you in advance for your prompt response. Please contact us by email.

Best regards,

Alexandra S. Arbour (