Monday, December 18, 2006

Project Fame: and the winner is


Great vote! .. she's really a great person - vocally and all.... and has enormous potential to do music, coupled with her very friendly demeanor and positive attitude.

The rest
Alvan, Cedric and Linda have great potential to succeed as musicians in their own right... they have really shown it anyway.

I guess the show styled up towards the end.. as everyone involved got into their groove.

Friday, December 15, 2006

New Starehe Director

Finally Starehe gets a new Director - Prof Jesse Mugambi

I think he'll do a good job - he's always been a friend of Starehe; and he's been a parent too there.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mozart's entire musical score now free on Internet

Came across this Reuters story here
The Mozart Institute's servers have experienced unprecedented traffic loads ever since this announcement was made.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Project Fame Final Week

Seems that my list of contestants at the final hurdle didn't change


I had predicted (though didn't blog it here) that the winner would be one of Alvan, Linda or Val

I expect Linda to win it... she has the best balance of skills and 'that bit that u can't use words to describe that makes a star'

Friday, December 08, 2006

hmm 2M prezzo

It's all plain old GREED - and not just among most of our politicians but among a good number of us Kenyans.

How do we drive - helter skelter in a hurry to get somewhere (yet after dangerously overtaking the 'slouch' infront that seems to be in no hurry we end up just 2 seconds ahead of him).. just watch traffic on any road in Nairobi for like 2 hours - a really fascinating study of being in a hurry to go nowhere.

How do we do business - a good number of employers .. milk,squeeze every drop out of an employee while paying peanuts.. a good number of employees .. skiving job or not doing work properly and expecting to get a raise soon

How do we communicate and express our opinions...we can be very intolerant to one another, though we seem to be improving here somewhat. And we also love talking but hate doing mainly because we apparently can't plan too far ahead - or so it appears..

our political class are all about power and 'having our people eat' which is very unfortunate. That's an extremely short sighted plan of leadership

We have NO STATESMEN/WOMEN i can think of who think beyond themselves. and not $$$$$ and property.

The excuse that some people in gova were earning more than the president isn't good enough for me.


Friday, December 01, 2006


I'm seriously considering taking part in the Stanbic UG IPO.

The info I've gleaned so far:

The issue price is Ushs 70 (Kshs 2.85)
Total of 1,023,773,394 shares (20% of the total) available to the public

Opening of the Offer: 10.00 on 24th November 2006
Closing of the Offer: 17.00 on 22nd December 2006
Announcement of results of offer and basis of allocations: 16th January 2007
Share certificates and any refund monies available for collection: 19th January 2007
Date of listing and commencement of trading on the USE: 25th January 2007

Price Earnings Ratio: 10.19
Dividend Yield at Offer Price: 7.81%

I think it's a good buy.

Apart from Dyer and Blair, I haven't found any other broker in kenya who can facilitate this. So I might as well open my fourth broker account.