Friday, June 09, 2006

piracy and open source software

I'm sure a good number of us have seen the ads in the local dailies over the last couple of days concerning software compliance and anti-piracy.

Seems that Micro$oft (and the other smaller software vendors) have started to pull weight..

I think it's a good opportunity for Open Source CompaniesSoftware. Paying 40k KES for M$ Office when there is OpenOffice around is not good small and medium sized business and for the Kenyan economy.


Sammie said...

Yep, its here; the softrware big wigs are here to pull their weight.

Open Office is a good idea, now that the cheapakates in us will be kimbizwad mpaka we legalize!

creativemind said...

I am all for opensource, the thing is that we need to start sensitizing people from earlier on....why? Coz just like religion, you dont expect a kid to wake up one morn and say...halleluya...Opensource rocks!!!!